Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oz Comic Con

The inaugural Oz Comic Con hit Adelaide last weekend and the TARDIS was asked to attend. Well actually it was offered by the Australian Costumers Guild in kind for some stall space. I think we got the better end of the deal as the stall space we scored (4 bays) costs well over  a grand.

The TARDIS had prime position next to the photo booth just like at Armageddon and was used as the backdrop for literally thousands of photos. This year I installed the sound and light device as built last year for the ACG Ball and this time I had it set up so it be activated by remote control.

Special thanks to Eman once again for the excellent photos. You can check out lots of his excellent events photos on his FB page.
The TARDIS came home with many lipstick marks on it.The thing got some action that weekend!